Aug 15, 2023Liked by Melissa Bowman

I have never been to Paris and enjoyed your perspective which is different than what is generally given. Maybe someday... :D The pictures are good, too. Thanks, Melissa.

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I haven't been to Paris in quite a few years now, but I did enjoy walking around and taking transit. The Seine is, of course, somewhere with a real sense of place, and it's possible to just do the flaneur thing for unlimited amounts of time.

I also hear that the farther-out banlieues are full of dense residential towers and may be less livable than the centre. Haven't quite been there though.

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One of the biggest challenges was being there just for a week, we wanted to see and do so much, it didn't leave as much time for just sitting and idling away the evening. We definitely did some of that, but I would have loved to do more :)

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