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As a student of Buddhadhamma, I have an ongoing and continuous requirement to learn, understand and improve every moment of my life. I have to practice mindfulness and self-awareness. I have to be non-attached and non-violent, with depths of understanding and implementation that go far beyond what this entire country seems to have normalized. How do I participate in this violent, ignorant society and continue to be on The Noble Eightfold path towards enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings? For example, mental health isn't purely a magical imbalance of chemicals - violence exists within the mind long, long before any physical implementation, and yet violence to the ignorant folks out here refers purely to the strange phrase of "physical violence". Using chemicals to force the body in one arbitrarily determined notion of health or another, with approximately 8 hours of counseling, is a great way to gradually erode away a population's humanity until we'll all be deluded enough to consider what may have been basic humanity as enlightenment.

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