Fabulous article and advocacy.

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HI Meliisa. Much thanks for your presentation for the Police Board. Three questions may you be able to help me to answer. 1. How much of the Police Board goes towards new vehicles? when in some areas we may need a foot patrol? 2. How much of the Police Board goes to pay officers who are not working either on sick leave or for disciplinary reasons.? 3. in your opinion ought force be used to remove persons off public sidewalks and other public property?

And a final question: May delegations make a presentation to Regional Council in November where decisions are made, and how does one go about making a presentation to Regional Council?

Sincerely, Myron Daniel Steinman

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Yes, absolutely folks can register for either of those November sessions to speak to the budget (including the police portion of the budget). You can register here for either of those sessions (I'd love to see folks delegating!). https://forms.regionofwaterloo.ca/Council-and-Administrative-Services/CAS/Delegation-Registration

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As far as force goes, I think we rely on it far more than we should. While I can't say it should never be used, too often it is the default. I think we need to invest more in support/outreach workers who are well-trained in de-escalation techniques as our primary approach (along with more investment in 'upstream' services to help prevent crime in the first place.

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Regarding the cost of suspended officers: "Police officers who have been suspended with pay have cost Waterloo region taxpayers $6.4 million over the last 11 years, according to data compiled by CBC News." https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/suspended-officers-6-4-million-waterloo-region-taxpayers-1.7174889

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It's hard to know the specific costs on any particular budget item because the police don't generally release that data publicly (and if they do, it tends to not be in an easy to understand format). However, according to this article, "Waterloo regional police plan to spend over $4 million to purchase 70 new police vehicles" in the 2024 budget year. https://www.cambridgetoday.ca/local-news/police-want-to-spend-over-4-million-to-replace-vehicles-next-year-7682155#

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Thanks for this article and your delegation. The police budget, and empty words of so many at council along with out & out denial of the fact that policing doesn’t help with crime, all make me 🤮

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It really is infuriating. I'd love to hear a direct response from anyone on the board about the recent study that says there is no consistent relationship between increased police spending and a reduction in crime.

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Me too! Honestly, I don’t know how they sleep at night knowing how many services could make such better use of that money.

I mean, just like everyone else, things are financially hard so maybe put a freeze on the hiring and increases, and ask the WRPS to find ways to cut their spending! That’s we’re being asked to do at UW. Massive budget cuts happening to every dept and we’re tasked with finding ways to decrease our expenditures.

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Great Delegations, Melissa. Why does it seem that the board merely tolerated the delegations? 24 million, seriously???

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I can't speak for the board obviously, but I'd say it comes across that they 'feel' they should offer public input sessions, but really aren't interested in hearing from folks that don't agree with continuous expanding police budgets.

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